Two sample graph testing
- Suppose we have two networks
- Want to test if they are "same" or not
- Network 1Network 2
- Network 1Network 2
More precisely:
Drosophila Left vs Right Brain

What we've done
- Connectomes of Human Brains
- Statistical Modeling for Connectomes
- Heritability of Human Connectomes
+ hyppo
+ m2g
Graduation plan
Heritability of connectomes?
- Heritability = proportion of phenotypic variance due to genetic variance
- Predict disease rick
- Potential for targeted treatments
- Genes -> structure -> function -> behavior
Heritability as causal problem

Do genomes affect connectomes?
Our hypothesis:
Known as independence testing
Test statistic: distance correlation (Dcorr)
Implication if false: there exists an associational heritability.
Do genomes affect connectomes given covariates?
- Want to test:
C, G|CoC|CoG|Co
C, G|CoC|CoG|Co
- Known as conditional independence test
- Test statistic: Conditional distance correlation (CDcorr)
- Implication if false: there exists causal dependence of connectomes on genomes.
Human Connectome Project
- Brain scans from identical (monozygotic), fraternal (dizygotic), non-twin siblings.
- Regions defined using Glasser parcellation (180 regions).

Methods of comparing connectomes
- Exact : measures all differences in latent positions
- Differences in the latent positions implying differences in the connectomes themselves
- Global : considers the latent positions of one connectome are a scaled version of the other
- E.g. males may have globally fewer connections than females
- Vertex : similar to the global differences, but it allows for each vertex to be scaled differently
- E.g regions have preferences in connections
- regions tend to connect strongly within hemisphere
We see stochastic ordering along familial relationships
Connectome Models


We detect heritability (associational)

Some signals disappear after conditioning

To sum up...

- Statistical models = nuanced investigations
- Connectomes are dependent on genome, up to some common structures.
What we've done
- Connectomes of Human Brains
- Statistical Modeling for Connectomes
- Heritability of Human Connectomes
+ hyppo
+ m2g
Graduation plan
What we've done
- Connectomes of Human Brains
- Statistical Modeling for Connectomes
- Heritability of Human Connectomes
+ hyppo
Graduation plan
Summary of work so far
- (Co)-First author
- Heritability, in review at Imaging Neuro (2024)
- m2g, in review at Nature Methods (2024)
- Two-sample graph testing, Stat (2022)
- Statistical Connectomics, ARISA (2021)
, JMLR (2019)
- Second author
- Indep. Testing in Time Series, TMLR (2024)
- Causal Conditional DCorr, in review (2023)
- Multiscale Connectomics, in review (2023)
- Others
Conference Presentations
- OHBM (x3)
- SfN (x3)
- Neuromatch (x2)
Invited Lectures & Talks
- JSM, 2023
- Advanced Graph Analytics Workshop (JHU), 2023
- OHBM, 2019
- BRAIN Initiative Trainee Highlight Award
- AWS Research Credit Grants (x2)
Summary of work to be done
- Respond to reviews
- Collaboration with Child Mind Institute
- Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS)
- Advanced Graph Analytics Workshop (JHU), 2024
- Continue to develop
and hyppo
Graduation May 2024

Eric Bridgeford

Ben Pedigo

Derek Pisner

Cencheng Shen

Ronak Mehta

Vivek Gopalakrishnan

Mike Powell

Carey Priebe

Joshua Vogelstein
NeuroData lab, Microsoft Research
How do we compare genomes?
- Neuroimaging twin studies do not sequence genomes.
- Coefficient of kinship ()
- Probabilities of finding a particular gene at a particular location.
- d(Genome, Genome) = 1 - 2.
Relationship |
Monozygotic |
Dizygotic |
Non-twin siblings |
Unrelated |
- Literature show:
- neuroanatomy (e.g. brain volume) is highly heritable.
- age affects genomes and potentially connectomes
- d(Covariates, Covariates) = ||Covariates - Covariates||
How do we compare connectomes?
Distance correlation
- Measures dependence between two multivariate quantities.
- For example: connectomes, genomes.
- Can detect nonlinear associations.
- Measures correlation between pairwise distances.

Conditional distance correlation
- Augment distance correlation procedure with third distance matrix.

Associational Test for Connectomic Heritability
- Connectome, GenomeConnectomeGenome
Connectome, GenomeConnectomeGenome

Sex |
All |
Females |
Males |
p-value |
Associational Test for Neuroanatomy
- Neuroanatomy, GenomeNeuroanatomyGenome
Neuroanatomy, GenomeNeuroanatomyGenome

Sex |
All |
Females |
Males |
p-value |
Causal Test for Connectomic Heritability
- Conn., Genome|CovariatesConn.|CovariatesGenome|Covariates
Conn., Genome|CovariatesConn.|CovariatesGenome|Covariates
Sex |
All |
Females |
Males |
p-value |

Athreya et al. "RDPG..." _JMLR_ (2021)
- Causal models = rigorous, interpretab

- Collaboration with Alex Badea
- $P[i\rightarrow j]$ = $\langle x_i, x_j\rangle$